We Need to Be Outside More

In the last 1.5 years of pandemic life, we have seen drastic changes in our work and home life balance. Many of us have gotten so used to being indoors that we have forgotten how to be outside and how to maintain our social lives safely. As a gentle reminder, here are 10 mental and physical benefits of being outdoors.

Vitamin D – The sunshine vitamin helps to reduce osteoporosis, depression, autoimmune disorders, dementia and Alzheimer’s. 10-30 minutes of midday sun with 20% skin exposure, 3-4 times per week is what you need to maintain it without supplements. How Vitamin D Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Boosts the Immune System – Exposure to outdoor plants, pollen and wildlife is important for boosting immunity, even if you have seasonal allergies. Time spent outside hiking and camping earlier in life helps with exposures and preventing allergies later in life. What You Can Do to Maintain a Strong Immune System.

Decreases Stress and Anxiety – Don’t overthink it! We often want to remove ourselves from stressful situations anyway. Going for a walk, relaxation techniques and getting out in nature can rapidly de-escalate stressful situations. Confrontations discussed over a walk may be resolved quicker than those held face-to-face at home.

Elevates Mood – Exposure to natural light increases our happy hormone and supports our mood. Being outside at regular times of the day can help mitigate seasonal affective disorder.

Increases Focus and Concentration – Similar to decreasing stress, fresh air is always beneficial for fresh perspective and resetting focus.

Lowers Blood Pressure – Along with lowering stress comes a decrease in blood pressure. This effect is even more significant with outdoor exercise.

Reduces Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke – Lowering blood pressure reduces stress on the cardiovascular system and the body. Again, exercising outdoors significantly increases this benefit!

Improves Sleep Quality – Getting outside every day after dinner or at a certain time of the day can help to regulate our sleep-wake cycle. Visualizing a sunset is powerful for the eyes, the stress response and most importantly the sleep cycle. Why melatonin doesn’t always help with sleep.

Improves Memory – Whether it be a true memory issue, or a lack of focus that has you forgetting, scheduling regular outdoor time is crucial. Improve memory by sitting outside and recreate your surroundings in a drawing or painting.

Increased Life Expectancy? This one is hard to prove, but I don’t think many would disagree. By lowering blood pressure and cardiovascular stress, we can already see improvements in our life expectancy. Pair this with an elevated mood and a good night of sleep, and we’re golden!

Struggling to find balance and time outdoors? This pandemic is not going away quickly! Don’t wait.

Professional support for managing your schedule, your stress and your sleep is only going to make everything easier.