Side-effects of Cholesterol Meds

It is estimated that up to 90% of cardiovascular disease may be preventable. Research has long been focused on the development of drugs, but less on the side effects of cholesterol medication. The most common class of medications are Statins and include the drug names Lipitor, Crestor, Lescol and Altoprev. With the number of cardiovascular disease cases in the country, it is no surprise that Crestor ranks as the 2nd most prescribed medication according to 2015 WebMD.

History of Statins

Back in the 1950’s, cholesterol and atherosclerosis were new terms in the research world. Scientists began to investigate how cholesterol was made in the body, and found that heart attacks were correlated with high levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol and low levels of good HDL cholesterol. Other than what came in through the diet, cholesterol could be made by the liver to support the basic and essential hormone functions in the body. When dietary needs for cholesterol were met, liver function was suppressed naturally to prevent an overflow of cholesterol. The particular enzyme involved in making cholesterol in the liver is known as HMG-coA reductase. Researchers decided if there was to be a drug to reduce cholesterol, the best way to do it would be to inhibit this enzyme and suppress the liver’s ability to make cholesterol. Thus began the production of statins.

cholesterol medication side effect

After many years of research and animal testing, the first statin hit the shelves in the late 1970’s. It was shown to reduce unhealthy LDL cholesterol without making any change to good HDL cholesterol. This definitely seemed like a win for the medical community. Today, statins have been tested in over 90 000 humans and followed for 5 years. The results are consistent in lowering cholesterol and have increased the lifespan of over 30 million people. However, most of these people are on statins for much longer than 5 years, and little is known of its long term effects. As Naturopathic Doctors, we see the medical benefit as well as the side effects and risks. Here are the top 3 concerning side effects of cholesterol medication:

Side Effect #1: Muscle Pain

This could also be classified as weakness, numbness and soreness in the muscles. It can range from mild discomfort to complete inability to perform daily tasks. This happens because the statin drugs cause small amounts of muscle breakdown in a process called rhabdomyolysis. Your doctor will run blood work to check levels of creatine kinase, an enzyme released when muscle breaks down. If your levels are high, your doctor may consider switching you to another statin.

Side Effect #2: Liver Damage

As discussed, most cholesterol is made in the liver and the function of the statin drug is to decrease the production of cholesterol in the liver. This means the statin is directly targeting the liver and can result in inflammation and damage. While this effect might be rare, your doctor should periodically check your liver enzymes and educate you on the signs of liver disease. These can include low appetite, changes in colour of urine and stool, pain in the upper abdomen and yellowing of the eyes.

Side Effect #3: Increased Blood Sugar

A mild increase in blood sugar has been noted in patients taking statin medications. This effect may or may not be significant, depending on the individuals family and personal history. Caution should be taken in those currently being treated for diabetes, as medication doses and exercise may have to be adjusted for statin use.

Like all other medications, cholesterol-lowering drugs must be used with caution and fully assessed before use. There are a number of vitamins that can reduce the side effects of statins and can help the body adjust while continuing to take a statin. For information on these, please book an assessment with Dr. DeSouza to create your individualized treatment plan.