How to Manage Shingles Naturally

Shingles is often touted as an infection of the elderly. We see commercials on TV for the shingles vaccine, and everyone pictured is over the age of 60. Perhaps the pain of shingles can be much more debilitating at that age, but the reality is that anyone who has had chicken pox is susceptible to shingles… no matter how old you are. 

Shingles pain

What is Shingles?

Shingles is one of the many strains of the herpes virus that can reside in a dormant state in the human body. Other strains of the herpes virus can cause cold sores and blisters around the face and mouth, genital herpes and chicken pox. A child that has been infected with chicken pox will develop immune cells in response to the virus. It will go into its dormant state within the nervous system. This virus can be reactivated later in life by a number of events: 

1. A weakened immune system 
2. Significant psychological stress 

Progression of Shingles 

The period of time in which the virus is reactivated within the nervous system and travels along the nerve is called the incubation period. Shingles generally infects just one nerve and only on one side of the body. During this time, you might feel a numbness, tingling, burning or itching sensation. Depending on the strength of the immune system, this could take 1-2 weeks and can come with low grade flu-like symptoms. 

beginning stages of shingles
Just the numbness, tingling and itching at this point
shingles bumps starting to appear
Small bumps starting to appear along the nerve

Gradually, the itching and burning becomes stronger and can even become sharp and knife-like. Bumps will form along the nerve, which will eventually become fluid filled. Depending on the nerve involved, movement can be painful. Finding a decent sleep position can be difficult and even clothing can trigger a sharp nerve response. 

fluid filled shingles blisters
Fluid filled blisters forming – very painful!

Eventually the fluid-filled bumps will rupture and ooze. This is the most contagious part of the infection.

Individuals who have never had the chicken pox virus are most at risk of infection and it is best to stay away from these individuals for 1-3 days. Then the healing process begins, the pain will decrease and you’re on the mend! 

ruptured shingles blisters
Blisters ruptured and scars healing

This entire infectious process can take around 3-5 weeks if nothing is done to speed up the process or kill the virus. It will heal on its own, but there is always a risk that the nerve pain can linger in the area for months in a process called Post-Herpetic Neuralgia. ​​​

How to Manage Shingles Naturally

Immediate pharmacological treatment with antivirals from a medical doctor can help to reduce the pain and length of the infection. Research suggests that antiviral medication can also reduce the risk of post-herpetic neuralgia if implemented within the first 72 hours of infection. For elderly individuals with a greater risk of post-herpetic neuralgia or any immune suppressed individual undergoing chemotherapy or HIV/AIDS therapy, this may be a suitable option.

However, for the other percentage of university students, young professionals, first-time home owners, new moms, or any healthy individual with significant psychological stress, there are other options. Managing shingles naturally can reduce the length of infection and speed up recovery. 

In my experience as a Naturopathic Doctor, these are some of my most effective tools to manage shingles naturally:

1. Stress Management – acupuncture, counselling, meditation
2. Strict elimination of refined sugars 
3. Moderate exercise 
4. Localized Vitamin B12 injections
5. L-lysine
6. Vitamin D 
7. High dose antioxidants – Vitamin C 
8. Antiviral herbs in tincture/liquid form –  including Goldenseal, Licorice, Lemon balm, and Echinacea. 

As with all things, the treatment of shingles is different for every individual. It requires the time and effort of an experienced practitioner to determine the proper dosing of these treatments. No matter what the age or immune status of the person, natural treatments are a highly effective option to work alongside antiviral medications.