No matter what your age or gender, you have likely experienced constipation at one time or another. Whether it be because of something you ate last night or the stress you’ve been experiencing since last week, being backed up is no fun.
I think we can all agree that everybody feels great after a bowel movement. Children are especially challenging when it comes to constipation and we might not always make the connection. Here are some of the best ways to help kids with constipation: (note: these are safe for all ages!)
This powerful linseed is a plant-based phytoestrogen, which means aside from its ability to bulk up your stool, it can also help to modulate an estrogen imbalance. This is really great for anyone experiencing menopausal symptoms, pre-menstrual symptoms or any other hormone imbalance that wreaks havoc on your digestive tract and leaves you backlogged. For kids, start with a 1/4 teaspoon of ground flax in water or juice.
Peppermint and Chamomile tea
This is one of the greatest soothing treatments for children and is easy and accessible. Just drop one bag of each tea in a pot of hot water, steep for 10 minutes, and drink. Kids might enjoy this as an ice tea, a lukewarm drink, or even a syrup with honey and ginger.
Castor Oil Belly Rubs
Childhood colic isn’t fun for anyone. When kids are constipated, they can really make your life difficult. Rub a bit of castor oil on a colicky belly and add a heat pack for a gentle constipation fix. Of course, this approach is suitable for adults as well, but be sure to use old sheets and clothing as the oil can leave a stain.
Vitamin C
We know it is as an antihistamine, antioxidant, immune booster and skin protector, but did you know it is also an osmotic laxative in higher doses? This means that vitamin C helps to draw water into the large intestine to facilitate bowel movements when consumed in excess of the body’s requirements. Why not clear out the intestines while having an added bonus of immune support? Please speak to your doctor for the proper dosing in children and pregnant women.
Well known and researched for its effects on muscle relaxation, magnesium is an incredible micronutrient that is commonly deficient in our diets. Similarly to Vitamin C, magnesium when taken in excess can help to clear out the intestines. However, it is only effective when consumed with adequate water intake, so drink up!
If constipation is happening more often than not, you or your child may need a thorough investigation into what might be affecting your digestive health. As a Naturopathic Doctor, my goal is to rule out any infections and get to the root of the issue. I find food sensitivity testing to be a very helpful guideline in determining causes of constipation in the diet. It helps to bring awareness to cooking methods and encourages meal planning and preparation.
Stress and anxiety also have direct connections to the digestive tract, making mental health an important component to consider in a health history. If you feel that you have made many diet changes and yet nothing seems to change, stress is an important factor to consider. Chat with Dr. Krysten today!