Healthy Eating Guidelines

Healthy eating guidelines are important no matter what your goals. Whether you want to lose weight, lower cholesterol or just live better, you need to read these.

1 Start your morning with ONE glass of water before eating any food (Note: coffee is not water)

2. Eat ONLY when hungry. Not just because it’s time to eat, and not just because you’re feeling snack-ish. Let your body tell you when it’s ready for food and drink a glass of water if you aren’t sure.

3. Practice putting down the fork early. It takes 20 minutes in order to feel full. Prevent yourself from overeating by chewing slower, putting the fork down in between bites and stopping when you feel satisfied.

4. Stop eating at 8:00 p.m. OR at least 12 hours before breakfast. Turn off the lights in the kitchen to tell yourself that the Kitchen is Closed!

healthy eating guidelines

5. Don’t deprive yourself. Everything is about moderation. If you are craving unhealthy foods, the key is not to restrict, but to balance it with healthy options. Being strict on your diet can often lead to obsessions, and an increased desire to cheat. If you are continuously craving something specific, talk to your ND! This could be a sign that your body is missing a key nutrient.

6. Don’t eat things just because they are there. We are all guilty of bringing and snacking on workplace treats. The lunch room is a good place to start conversation with colleagues, but a bad place to go if you are trying to avoid sugar. Instead, pack your lunch with snack options that you enjoy (ie. fruit, larabars, homemade protein bars), so when you head into the lunch room, you have something to satisfy your taste buds without ruining the day.

7. Keep track of the portions and not calories. Not all calories are equal, and too much of anything is not good for you. Instead of focusing on the calories in your meal, look at the ratio of foods on your plate. 1/2 plate of vegetables, 1/4 plate protein and 1/4 plate carb is ideal.

portion control weight loss

8. Minimize temptation. It doesn’t matter if Christmas is coming or Halloween just passed. Do not keep the sweets around or you will be tempted. If this is not possible with other family members around, then practicing discipline around these foods is going to be key.

9. Identify your triggers for unhealthy snacking. Emotional eating? Stressful day at work? Eating to celebrate? Whatever the reason, identify the triggers and become aware of how often this is happening. Only then can you modify your coping skills and leave snacking for its nutritional purpose.

10. Keep meals simple. When we cook too many dishes, we have too many options and we have to try them all. This easily leads to overeating. On holidays and events, many dishes are available and overeating is easily done. On a regular weeknight, stick to 1-2 dishes for the family. This can provide enough variety while encouraging picky eaters to try something new.

kitchen table healthy eating